A simple reservoir based room humidifier bubbles away as the water is heated and steams out to add moisture to a cold room in winter. Several sequences of bubbles happily popping…
Early rush hour in downtown Chicago from 7 stories up. “L” trains coming and going, bus brakes hiss, a horn or two add to the overall din. Plenty of dynamic range and length for filling that empty background…
Huge blustery thunderstorm, big clap of thunder near the beginning. Lots of wind and rain and an occasional car passing. Flags flapping in the gale force wind and slapping the flagpole…
In the gangway between houses in an urban setting. Shoveling wet heavy snow along with scraping and cracking of ice buildup. City rumble in the background…
Over a thousand files! Funny voices, male and female, a small group, kids and more! Usable for radio station drop ins, sound design for advertising, off-stage lines for theater and much, much more…